Thursday, June 16, 2016

Custom keyboard stickers

(This is also posted on Expressions Vinyl's blog)

Hello fellow maker addicts!

I don't know about you, but I've been super jealous of seeing my mac computer friends have super cute keyboard decals.  I'm a PC user and haven't been able to find anyone who sells them since our keyboards aren't the same size consistently enough.  What's a girl do to?  Make it myself of course!

Today I'm showing you how I made custom stickers for my wireless keyboard using printable vinyl from the fabulous Expressions Vinyl and my handy dandy Silhouette cameo.

I'll give a brief overview of the steps I took to make them so you can create your own beautiful set!

You'll need:
I may have a slight addiction to purchasing bundles from and this graphic set is one of my favorites in my ever growing collection.  

Step 1:  Create your keyboard layout

Remember how I said patience above as a needed element?  This is the first part you'll need it in. You'll need to measure the size of the keys are on your keyboard and then draw them to the correct size using the "draw a rectangle" and "scale" tools in Silhouette Studio.  I also used the "replicate" tool to quickly multiply the same size.

Here is a screen shot of my keyboard layout and I have arrows pointing to the tools I used.  Don't forget to uncheck the lock aspect box when you're re-sizing your shapes.

Phew! That wasn't as bad as you thought it would be right?  The replicate tool really makes it a quicker process so if you don't know how to use it well, this is the time to learn! Since this isn't a software tutorial I'm not getting into all of the steps but I recommend using the custom settings to do a whole row of the same size in one click.

Step 2:  Add the background graphic

I went with the wood grain paper graphic and if you're using the same graphics set as me you'll see I played with the coloring a bit.  The "shader effects" tool is how you can play with the colors.

Here's the part that took me a bit of playing to figure out.  Make sure you have the graphic as the back most layer and the keyboard layout in front.  Then use your "modify" tool and select "crop" that should leave you with the keyboard layout only with the wood grain.  That also just removed your cut lines so make sure to go to the "trace" tool and get those cut lines back.

 Step 3: Add the text

Here is where the final patience element enters the scene, adding the text to each key is another tedious task.

I just wrote all of the letters as one text block, fixed it to be the size I wanted, then ungrouped it and moved it to the appropriate key.  I also filled the letters with the color, changed the line color, and most importantly...changed the line weight so it printed. Go ahead and have fun playing with your favorite font, I used carolinea.

Once you have it where you want it group the design again.  Also make sure the text is "in front"

Step 4:  Add any additional graphics

I wanted a fun floral element so I added the floral bunch on top of the keys and scaled it to cover them.  I tried playing to have it crop too but after hours of frustration I figured I'm cutting the keys out so it didn't matter if it printed too.  Just being honest here!  Technically you could do the same with the woodgrain but I wanted to see how it looked just as the keyboard layout.

Make sure the text is still in the front then group it again so you don't accidentally move things around.

Step 5:  Add the registration marks

Go to the registration marks tool and adjust the size so they aren't covering your design.  I had to slide the insets to the smallest size they go.  I also needed to rotate my one arrow key so it fit inside the red lines.  Anything outside the red lines won't cut properly.

Step 6: Print and Cut

I made sure I loved everything I designed on regular printer paper first.  Finally I loaded the vinyl into my printer and hit send!  Make sure you load the paper so it prints on the matte side, the shiny side is the backer paper.

Next load the printed vinyl on your cutting mat and hit "send" to your machine.

Tip: I loaded the vinyl upside down first and did several test cuts first to make sure I had the proper setting before wasting my vinyl.  I used: blade:3 speed:8, thickness: 12

Here's a sweet action shot!

The boring keyboard before:

and after with the awesome decals!

I think my desk looks much more adorable now and it makes me happy when I go in there to work.

Now go's your turn to transform your work space into something that will make you smile.  :)

my blog link

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Custom Mint stamp baby announcement

(This was originally posted on the Silhouette America Blog)

It's Carrie again bringing you more adorable baby photos to ooh and awe over!  If you've been keeping up with the blog lately (and I hope you have!) you'll know that I recently gave birth to my second son in March.  What do all parents want to do when they have a new little one?  Show them off of course!

 This brings me to today's tutorial on how to use your Mint machine to make an amazing, unique, and custom birth announcement to share with all of your friends and family.  

I will warn you that this is going to be a more advanced software tutorial showing you how to make the custom stamp, but I know you're all up for the challenge.  

Bonus feature:  This is a trick I learned to make ANY design store design into a mint stamp since some don't work well in Mint Studio™ without the edits first.  You're welcome!! :)


Ready to get started?  

You will need:

  • Mint machine
  • 90 x 45 stamp kit
  • 60 x 30 stamp kit
  • Mink ink: teal, green, gray, black
  • white cardstock
  • envelope
  • Design ID #58867
  • Design ID #66717

Step 1:  Editing the "hello world" design

I know this is a Mint tutorial but I'm going to have you work in Silhouette Studio® first.  This is my big trick because you have so many more editing features to work with.  Open your designs up in Silhouette Studio®  

ss 1

Resize the "Hello World" design to fit the 60 x 30 stamp.  I cheated and used an online conversion calculator to figure out what that meant in inches.

ss 2 

Fill the design with the color black

ss 3

Change the line color to black too.  This makes it a nice clean image to work with in Mint Studio™. Now "hello world" is ready for Mint.  

Note: This is the trick to make ANY design work with Mint Studio™.  For print and cut designs you will need to trace it first then make it black and white.

ss 4

Step 2: Editing the "flags" design

Ok here is the tricky stamp to design, don't be scared to try this.  I'll break it down for you and please leave a comment if you have questions.   I wanted each "flag" to say his birth information.  I found a font that coordinated nicely with the "hello world" design in my vast library.  I may have a slight addiction to fonts.  

Tip: Here is an awesome website to use to help pick the perfect font

ss 6 

Just type a separate line for each statistic  

ss 7 

Resize the text to fit into each flag.  You will need to rotate it a bit to fit the angle correctly too.

ss 8

Here's how it looked once that step was complete

  ss 9

This is the hardest part...stay with me!  Select the first flag with the words.  Next go to the modify tool and select "subtract".  What this does is subtract the words from the flag shape instead of the words sitting on top of the flag.  If you don't do this step you won't see the words when you go to print the stamp.  

ss 10

Now group that shape together so it's all one object again.

ss 11 

Now you can fill it with the black color  

ss 12

Make the line color black too  

ss 13

Now repeat those same steps for the other 2 flags and fill the strings too so everything is black

ss 14

Move the flags to sit on top of each of their strings and group the design together.  

ss 15

Save the design to your hard drive because you're going to open that new file in Mint Studio™.
We're done working in Silhouette Studio® now.  

ss 16 

Step 3: Open the designs in Mint Studio™

ss 17  

Select the 90 x 45 stamp size in stamp settings and rotate the flag design 90 degrees  

ss 18  

An easy way to get the design to the correct size is to use the scale tool and select "fit to stamp" I usually make it a tiny bit smaller then so I have a little room around the design.  

ss 19  

Now find the filter you want to use, I used the standard one.  This is where you would discover any flaws with your design because it wouldn't show up correctly.  (Again, I know this because I learned the hard way.  Don't worry I'm here to make the mistakes and trouble shoot for you, I'm a team player like that!)  

ss 20  

Step 4:  Send designs to the Mint

You're ready to send it to the Mint!  The software automatically flips the design for you.  Follow the directions on the right hand side.

  ss 21

Here is a shot of the stamp printing, so fun to watch the magic!!  


Repeat the same steps for the "hello world" stamp.  I used the 60 x 30 size stamp.  

ss 22

Here's how it will look when you go to send it to the Mint machine.

  ss 24  

Note:  I also made a flag stamp without the words to use on the envelope.  Just follow the "hello world" fill method to make that stamp.  

Step 5: Ink the stamps

The fun part, adding those marvelous colors!  I went with some boy colors to coordinate with his onesie (that I made of course, would you expect anything else?) :)   The longer you let the ink absorb the better.  I applied mine and then made dinner so I didn't rush it.    


Here are how the stamps turned out, I'm kinda in love.


The custom stamp!  


Step 6:  Putting it all together!

  The challenge here was trying to line up the strings so it looked like Tyler was holding the flags in his little fist.  I'm thrilled with how this project turned out!


 Don't forget to stamp the envelope to complete the full package.    

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Sketchbook bundle design

I'm starting to catch up on having all of the inspiration boards complete for my current stash of gorgeous 100% cotton designer fabrics.  4 down and 1 more to go!

The sketchbook bundle's inspiration boards are now up on the website and the pinterest board is public so please go ahead and check it out.  Here is the link:  Sketchbook Bundle

This is designed to be a modern little girl's room with lots of fun pops of color while maintaining a neutral undertone.  Feel free to mix and match your favorite parts to create your own custom look.

I have additional furniture options pinned as well and will continuously add items as I come across them too.

Have fun designing your nursery and I hope these help with pulling your little one's room together!


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Exciting Announcements!!

Today has been an EPIC day!

First I got to announce publicly that I'm going to be a member of the Silhouette America creative design team. That alone is a major dream come true and I still can't really believe is happening.

I have been a devoted fan of Silhouette since 2012 when my sister-in-law showed me this amazing device that I instantly had to have in my own hands.  So a big THANK YOU goes out to Michelle for that introduction!!  I used it for lots of personal craft projects over the years but it wasn't until this past year that I've really made it something I used on a daily basis.

I was working part time from home for a company I'd been with for 5 years and raising my son when suddenly I got laid off.  I just knew that now was the time to try my hand at being my own boss and starting my handmade business.  It's coming up on the year mark since I started Project 378 and honestly I was only going to give it a few more months of my time before I gave up because nothing seemed to be happening.

Then I saw the open call for the design team for Silhouette and knew I had to give it a try. I figured the worst that happens is I never hear back and well....I've already been there so I can take it! Imagine my joy when I was asked to submit for the next round of submissions.  I started working on it that same night and obsessed over it every spare minute I could find.  Then I waited...and waited...and honestly thought that I didn't make the cut.  Cut to few days later....I did the world's biggest happy dance with my 2 year old son when I opened the email telling me I was selected for this year's team.  He also now knows the word blogger, how many 2 year old's have said that word?  "Mama be blogger?!?"  I have it on film and I'll be sharing that adorable clip on my facebook page tomorrow.

Today is when we were allowed to shout from the roof tops publicly that we're part of the team.  I can't thank Silhouette America enough for this amazing opportunity and I'm really excited to start creating some amazing tutorials using their products and tools.

Now on to the other AWESOME news I found out today.  I'm going to be a vendor at the Mainstreet Market hosted by Urban Farmgirl in Rockford, IL this May 21st and Sept 10th!!!!

I went to the market last spring and instantly fell in love.  The setting is in this adorable mini historic village and it was filled with all sorts of vendors that I wanted to buy everything from.  I knew I wanted to be a part of that show right then and there and it was a big catalyst on why I started Project 378.  I missed last fall's show since one of my best friend's got married that same day.

I stalked Urban Farmgirl's website daily waiting for this year's show information and vendor application.  Finally that day arrived and I quickly applied to be a part of the show.  Then the waiting game began again and I was beginning to question whether or not I had made the cut.  Another happy dance was done (not easy for a 9 month pregnant lady by the way) when I saw the email tonight saying I was accepted to this year's show.

I am going to be one super busy mama this year, especially since I'm now waiting for my new son to make his arrival into the world any day now, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  It's not work when it's something you enjoy with your entire soul.  I feel like the luckiest girl in the world right now and can't wait to see what else develops.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The finished "Oh Bear Bundle" nursery

As I came up with the idea of creating the baby room bundle product my husband and I found out the exciting news that we were expecting Baby #2!  I knew right away that the new nursery would be based on one of my kits.

The minute we found out it was another son I chose the "Oh Bear Bundle" for his room since I'm in love with that look.

We already had the dresser and the ottoman for the room, but everything else was going to be a blank slate.  I went with the crib from the middle priced board and a similar style rocking chair.  I ended up not getting a recliner since I didn't think I would personally use it that often.

Here is my initial design that I created as my concept before making any purchases:

After that I went to one of my favorite websites for furniture and accessories for my home, (they've got just what you need!) and purchased the crib and rocking chair.  They arrived quickly and in great shape.  My only complaint about the rocking chair is it needs a heavier base because if you get out quickly it bounces back on you.

I decided to make all of the artwork for the room to save money and also because I just enjoy making projects like that.  I have the tutorial for the woodland creatures as my last blog if you want the details on how to make your own set.  The sign above the dresser was just a wood blank I bought at Michael's and I stenciled the words onto with black paint.  I made the stencil with my Silhouette cameo and contact paper and lots and lots of mod podge to seal the edges first.  Finally the bunting is something I'm going to sell in my shop so you can purchase one from me for a great price, sorry no tutorial on that!  I need some secrets to keep to myself. :)

I also made the pillow for the chair and that's a tutorial on my blog as well.  I will be adding similar pillows to my online shop too so if you don't sew but want the look I'll have them for you for an affordable price.

The ottoman is something I had found on clearance at Target when my first son was born but we didn't end up using it since his rocking chair came with one.  The only change I made to that was to paint the honey colored wood legs with my charcoal chalk paint I already had laying around the house.

The curtains were a Homegoods find that I bought originally for my first son's room and then realized that I needed another set since his new room has 2 windows (darn pregnancy brain!).  It worked out fine in the end because they looked great with this room.  The curtain rod is from which is another favorite online home shopping website of mine.

Both light fixtures were Target purchases from the room essentials collection.  Great budget friendly items!

Finally the wall stencil is from Stencilit on Etsy.  This was my first attempt at stenciling and it turned out to be pretty easy and I absolutely LOVE the results.  If you want to know my paint colors you'll have to buy the kit.  I make sure to include at least 5 or 6 options so you can decide what you like best for your home and lighting conditions.

Here is the final look:

Here are some close up shots of the handmade crib sheets that I sell with the Oh Bear bundle.  They are made of 100% premium cotton and are sized to fit that crib mattress nice and snug.  

I personally believe keeping the crib bedding as simple as possible is what is safest.  Once he starts being able to roll around I'll add a mesh breathable bumper to the crib to keep those tiny arms and legs safe from the rails.

I have the links to everything in my Oh Bear bundle board on pinterest so feel free to look there for the details on where to buy everything.  Please make sure to follow me too since I'm always adding more ideas.


Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Woodland animal artwork tutorial for Oh Bear Bundle kit

I just wanted to share with you how I created some adorable artwork for my son's nursery that I designed based on my Oh Bear bundle kit.

The best part is it only cost me about $50 total to make 8 pieces.  Yes, that math adds up to $6.25 per item for a 9"x 12" finished product.

I found this great free printable design on pinterest:
Artwork link

Next I bought these wood slice boards from
wood slice link

It's cheaper to buy 4 of the 24" long boards than 8 of the 12" length.  If you have a decent saw I would recommend doing that too and yourself some $$.  I just asked my husband to cut them for me when he had his saw out for another project so it took him 10 minutes to do, without complaining I might add!

Since I have my silhouette cameo machine I brought the artwork into that program and resized them to fit the boards and then used the print and cut feature to cut them out for me.  If you don't have a cameo or similar machine you can easily just print them on your printer and hand cut the shapes out too.  If you have a silhouette and don't know how to use print and cut I highly recommend going to school at Silhouette School.  She covers the topic in great detail if you need any help.

I found the easiest way to attach the paper cut outs to the wood slices was my handy dandy spray glue.  I wanted a really strong hold so I sprayed a spot on the wood and also the back of the paper and let it dry for about 10 seconds before attaching it.

Finally all that was left was to add some saw tooth hangers on the back that I picked up at my local hobby store and attach them to the back of the wood slices.

There you have it!  Adorable artwork for a feature wall for the low, low price of $50.00 total.

PS.  That great design on the wall is a stencil I bought from Stencilit on Etsy.  Here's the link:
Stencil Link

I have all of these links in my Oh Bear bundle board along with lots of other ideas on how to design a beautiful nursery on a budget. Follow me on pinterest!