Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Exciting Announcements!!

Today has been an EPIC day!

First I got to announce publicly that I'm going to be a member of the Silhouette America creative design team. That alone is a major dream come true and I still can't really believe is happening.

I have been a devoted fan of Silhouette since 2012 when my sister-in-law showed me this amazing device that I instantly had to have in my own hands.  So a big THANK YOU goes out to Michelle for that introduction!!  I used it for lots of personal craft projects over the years but it wasn't until this past year that I've really made it something I used on a daily basis.

I was working part time from home for a company I'd been with for 5 years and raising my son when suddenly I got laid off.  I just knew that now was the time to try my hand at being my own boss and starting my handmade business.  It's coming up on the year mark since I started Project 378 and honestly I was only going to give it a few more months of my time before I gave up because nothing seemed to be happening.

Then I saw the open call for the design team for Silhouette and knew I had to give it a try. I figured the worst that happens is I never hear back and well....I've already been there so I can take it! Imagine my joy when I was asked to submit for the next round of submissions.  I started working on it that same night and obsessed over it every spare minute I could find.  Then I waited...and waited...and honestly thought that I didn't make the cut.  Cut to few days later....I did the world's biggest happy dance with my 2 year old son when I opened the email telling me I was selected for this year's team.  He also now knows the word blogger, how many 2 year old's have said that word?  "Mama be blogger?!?"  I have it on film and I'll be sharing that adorable clip on my facebook page tomorrow.

Today is when we were allowed to shout from the roof tops publicly that we're part of the team.  I can't thank Silhouette America enough for this amazing opportunity and I'm really excited to start creating some amazing tutorials using their products and tools.

Now on to the other AWESOME news I found out today.  I'm going to be a vendor at the Mainstreet Market hosted by Urban Farmgirl in Rockford, IL this May 21st and Sept 10th!!!!

I went to the market last spring and instantly fell in love.  The setting is in this adorable mini historic village and it was filled with all sorts of vendors that I wanted to buy everything from.  I knew I wanted to be a part of that show right then and there and it was a big catalyst on why I started Project 378.  I missed last fall's show since one of my best friend's got married that same day.

I stalked Urban Farmgirl's website daily waiting for this year's show information and vendor application.  Finally that day arrived and I quickly applied to be a part of the show.  Then the waiting game began again and I was beginning to question whether or not I had made the cut.  Another happy dance was done (not easy for a 9 month pregnant lady by the way) when I saw the email tonight saying I was accepted to this year's show.

I am going to be one super busy mama this year, especially since I'm now waiting for my new son to make his arrival into the world any day now, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  It's not work when it's something you enjoy with your entire soul.  I feel like the luckiest girl in the world right now and can't wait to see what else develops.

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